App introduction
B2Bridge allows you to set up and manage your B2B pricing, registrations, and payment options. To see the new B2B price on your store, your customers have to log into their account.
Key features:
B2B registration form:
You can create a customized form for your potential B2B customers to sign up; you can verify them and turn those registrations into B2B accounts.
Price list: in Price list, you can configure
Custom discounted B2B prices
Volume discounts
Limit on order (e.g. quantity must be greater than 20 in order to check out)
Product increments (e.g. certain products can only be bought in quantities of 5, 10, 15, etc.)
Customer group: in Customer group, you can configure
Choose allowed payment options for customers in the group (online payment or net payment terms).
Assign one or multiple price lists to the customer group, allowing customers in the group to see their B2B prices.
Choose whether to collect tax on this customer group.
How B2Bridge works:
In each Price list, there are products that you want to sell to your B2B customers.
In each Customer group, there are customers that will see assigned products and their B2B prices. Customers in a group will only see B2B prices if they log into your store.
You can refer to this puzzle piece analogy to better understand how Price list and Customer group work together:
Next step:
To start using B2Bridge, head to Get started to learn more.
You can also visit our Demo store, to experience what B2Bridge can do.
If you need help with the app, feel free to reach out to us at or send us a message via the in-app chat box.
Last updated